1st Response part 1, virtual live online
1st Response Thursday 17th February 2022 7pm to 10pm
1st Response is Girlguiding's own first aid course.
It will train you to provide first aid to members in emergencies - in or outside of your unit meeting place. The course was created specifically for members of Girlguiding and The Scout Association. It is not recognised as a first aid qualification outside of Girlguiding or Scouting.
We are offering 1st response as a blended course. To have the course recorded on GO as complete you will need to attend the the live on line session part 1, and the 3 hour face to face session part 2 and complete the Girlguiding 1st response e learning
You must attend both part 1 and part 2 within 3 months of each other
If you have a first aid certificate you may not need to complete the 1st response course. If your certificate covers all of this list you will only need to complete the Girlguiding first response e-learning.
The cost of the 1st response course is £20 and covers all parts. You will be emailed on how you can pay this. It is a legitimate unit expense and should be covered by your unit budget.
Part 1 (delivered as a virtual live online training)
- Fractures and sprains
- Head injury
- Dental incidents
- Burns
- Asthma
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Seizures
- Diabetes
- Sepsis/Meningitis
- Causes and level of unresponsiveness
Part 2 (delivered face to face)
- Approach and assessment
- CPR for an adult
- CPR for a child
- Use of AED (automated external defibrillator)
- Choking
- Recovery / safe airway position
- Bleeding
- Fractures and sprains
- Anaphylaxis
Part 2 delivered face to face is on 5th February 2022 either 9.30 am start or 1.00 pm start Great Hollands Pavilion. Pavilion South Road Bracknell RG40 3EE.
If this training is showing as full please email Gillian on countyadmin@girlguidingroyalberkshire.org.uk to be placed on a waiting list